Opera Responds to NSS Labs Browser Security Research Report

By | December 21, 2010

Opera Responds to NSS Labs Browser Security Research ReportThomas Ford, the PR Manager of Opera Software has also raised some concerns about the recent NSS Labs Report results (where Opera scored 0%) and responded with the following statement (as from ConceivablyTech email).

We have some concerns with the results posted by NSS. First, we are unclear as to why they received no results. We use AVG and Yandex, among others, for our fraud protection solution. Both have performed well in our testing. It is odd that they received no results from our data providers.

The latter could indicate that what NSS Labs actually tests is the providers that Microsoft uses in IE. As such, the test almost becomes a QA test of Microsoft’s own system rather than a real test.

Furthermore, social malware protection is not an indicator of overall browser security. It is an additional functionality we added to our Fraud Protection mechanism, to help people avoid installing bad software on their computers, but has nothing to do with the security of the web

browser itself. For a better overview of browser security, we recommend Secunia.

We would welcome full disclosure of the methodology from NSS Labs, including the URLs actually used in the tests, so we could better understand the results they obtained.

About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded FavBrowser.com. Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Comments (4)

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  1. ON_1 says:

    Thank you Vygantas. Interesting to learn that they use Yandex.

    • nvm says:

      NSS Labs should stop lying.

      NSS Labs was even thrown out of an association for virus and malware detection testing because of the unscientific and dishonest methods you use.

      NSS Labs has received heavy criticism for its unscientific methodology, including lack of peer review and detailed information on the data.

      The response from NSS Labs has been nothing but lies and deception. NSS Labs has failed to address any criticism whatsoever, and has instead paid people to shill for them.

  2. nvm says:

    Notice how NSS Labs, just like when their first report was debunked as unscientific Microsoft shilling, fail to address the criticism, and instead attack the people who criticize their trash.