Search Results for 'what'

WhatsApp Web Will Work On Microsoft Edge

By | August 3, 2015 | 0 Comments

WhatsApp Web Will Work On Microsoft EdgeComing sometime in the future.

Earlier this year, WhatsApp has released a web version of its popular messaging client, which enabled Google Chrome users to chat on the web, with Firefox, Opera and Safari users joining the party slightly later. Unfortunately for Internet Explorer or Edge users, their browsers were never compatible.

Well, things are about to change as Microsoft Program Managers have confirmed that the companies are talking (and likely) working on a solution, which will finally enable Edge users (and there are not too many of them yet) to enjoy WhatsApp online web platform.
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Microsoft Edge: Here’s What’s New

By | June 30, 2015 | 0 Comments

Microsoft Edge: Here’s What’s NewRIP: Spartan branding.

Yesterday, Microsoft has released a new developer preview build (10158) for the PC, which includes a lot of new Edge feature and improvements. However, even though we have reported some of them (thanks to the leaks), here is the complete and official list on the changes that have been made since the most recent official release.

So what exactly is new and available for the immediate testing?
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Microsoft Edge: Here’s What Else Is Coming

By | June 23, 2015 | 0 Comments

Microsoft Edge: Here’s What Else Is ComingWindows 10 Build 10147 spoils the fun.

Thanks to the never ending stream of leaks, we learned pretty much everything on what else the software giant has included (but not revealed) when it comes to Microsoft Edge.

The latest example comes from the recently leaked Windows 10 (Build 10147), which shows one neat change that a lot of users will love: dark theme. As you can see in the screenshots below, Microsoft Edge looks better than never and judging by the fact that Edge will also replace IE on Windows Mobile 10, expect to see similar look on your phone or tablet.
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What’s The Best Free Key Logger? (Picture)

By | May 18, 2015 | 1 Comment

What happens when you ask the internet about the “free keylogger” that doesn’t require any admin privileges and can run undetected by various anti-malware tools.
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What’s The Most Vulnerable Web Browser? Internet Explorer

By | February 23, 2015 | 3 Comments

Most Vulnerable Web Browser Is Internet ExplorerApple tops the OS chart.

In the recently published study by GFI, which took a database of vulnerabilities that were published in 2014 and created a chart that makes sense, it looks like Microsoft‘s Internet Explorer still has a long way to go until it‘s no longer the most vulnerable web browser out there.

As you can see in the chart below, the top application by vulnerabilities reported in 2014 was indeed Internet Explorer (242), followed by Google Chrome (124) and Firefox (117).
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Windows 10: What’s New In Internet Explorer

By | October 1, 2014 | 0 Comments

Windows 10: What’s New In Internet ExplorerNo Internet Explorer 12 in sight.

With today’s release of Windows 10 Technical Preview, Microsoft has also detailed a list of new Internet Explorer 11 features that made it to the build.

So what should you be excited about?

– A support for HTTP/2 networking protocol, which means better performance
– Chakra JavaScript engine performance improvements
– Interoperable Top Level Domain Parsing
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What We? Web Browsers (Picture)!

By | September 19, 2013 | 4 Comments

Some good old IE6 bashing.

What We? Browsers

What’s Inside Microsoft’s AOL Patents Pack?

By | June 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

What’s Inside Microsoft’s AOL Patents Pack?Few months ago, Microsoft has acquired a total of 925 patents from the AOL that are worth more than $1 billion.

Although 650 of those patents were later sold to Facebook for $650 million and remaining 275 licensed as well, it made us wonder, what exactly did Microsoft buy?

Thankfully, we have just learned more about the deal and it’s pretty fascinating. While we won’t tell you about all the juicy details, here is what they got when it comes to web browsers, at least according to the Envision IP:
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What Is IE?

By | November 4, 2011 | 15 Comments

Do you use Internet Explorer?

What Is Internet Explorer?

Via: Reddit

Oh Sweet!.. Wait, What Year Is This?

By | December 10, 2010 | 12 Comments

Oh Sweet!.. Wait, What Year Is This?

Via Reddit