Mozilla CEO Resigns Over Gay Drama

By | April 4, 2014

Mozilla CEO Resigns Over Gay DramaIs it over?

It looks like Mozilla is about to get a new CEO as the most recent one, Brendan Eich has just resigned over the support of anti-gay marriage bill. The news come after a couple of Eich’s interviews where he repeatedly said that he will not resign over this issue. All sources claim that it was his own decision and that it wasn’t forced by the board.

According to recode, Mozilla Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker “became emotional at one point during the interview – noted that she was “doing a fair amount of self-reflection and I am wondering how did I miss it that this would matter more when he was the CEO.”

So here you have it folks, who’s going to take over Mozilla this time?

About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

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  1. Guedes says:

    I don’t care what people make of their lives and of his body, even the strangest things and objectionable, since nobody else gets hurt and don’t spoil the lives of others.
    But it is quite curious that situation out there in the States, these people turned out to be intolerant in do not accept a different opinion from theirs, which from what I’ve heard the outcome of the popular consultation is the same as the former CEO of mozilla and people voted against this marriage.
    But this elite doesn’t care about votes of people and opinion of the people, they should have the right to express it without persecution. But that’s not my problem because it’s not my country, it’s just a shame to know that you are no longer a democracy. These people were unjust to him.

    • confabulatory says:

      No longer a democracy? Why is that? Is it because a bunch of people exercised their rights in the public sphere by expressing displeasure with Mozilla’s decision to appoint an anti-gay proponent as CEO? How exactly does that differ from this anti-gay (former) CEO exercising his rights in the public sphere by expressing his displeasure of a lifestyle through a donation?

      This is how free and open societies work. Mr. Eich was neither denied his freedom of expression nor forced out of his position by the United States Government for his anti-gay views and values. As far as I know, he made the decision to step down without any meddling from the U.S. Government.

      Freedom of expression, at least here in the U.S., doesn’t protect the views of individuals or the individuals who express those views from critique or criticism. It simply protects the individual’s right to express their views in the public sphere. And from all reports, nobody was denied their right to free expression.

      The idea that democracy must protect the opinions and values of individuals from critique and criticism is not only bizarre but anti-democratic. But then again, it’s a common misunderstanding of the Religious Right in this country, which they define as “persecution.” It seems that you have the same problem in your country as well.