FavBrowser and Opera Give Away

By | September 24, 2010

FavBrowser and Opera Give Away
Today, we are giving away a couple of cool T-shirts, Pens, Stickers and Phone/Card necklaces from Opera Software!

5 lucky winners will receive:
T-Shirt (Black or Red)
Opera Software Pen
Laptop Sticker

All you have to do is retweet this post, as simple as that.

Winners will be announced next Friday, so there is a plenty of time to do that. As retweets are scrambled, it does not really matter, whether you will be the first or last one to tweet.

Want more goodies?
Opera Software Cheese Slicer (yes, you read it right), more shirts, pens, necklaces, 2GB USB key and sticky notes?

Ask and answer questions at ask.favbrowser.com, receive points and redeem them for all those prizes!

P.S. You get 100 points just for registration.

Thanks a lot to Opera Software and Espen André Øverdahl for all the goodies.

About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded FavBrowser.com. Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Comments (29)

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  1. pjn123 says:

    Ah no Facebook? Who use Twitter :(

  2. Dan says:

    Oh cool, Twitter! Who uses Facebook? Seriously. I don’t ;)

  3. Mayur says:

    Tweeted about it. Hoping to win these cool Opera goodies. :)

  4. FruityMo says:

    Cool! Also looking forward to the Opera CEO visit to Johannesburg next week :)

  5. amgadelsaiegh says:

    post re-tweeted :D

  6. Daniel Hendrycks says:

    “T-Shirt (Black or Red)
    Opera Software Pen
    Laptop Sticker
    Can I has a lanyard if I win? (all I want, I have been whining about it in the forum for weeks)

  7. toenailsin says:

    i so want a lanyard!

  8. Ichan says:

    Are those the x530 or the x540?

  9. Tom says:

    omg!!! I want a t-shirt and usb pen SOOOOO badly!!! I wish I could just buy them :(

  10. Ichan says:

    I got no sicken 100 points. Did I?
    I earned those damn points with blood and tears.

  11. nvm says:

    I generally find freebies like this to be rather lame. Would anyone actually wear an Opera shirt? I wouldn’t.

  12. Dsan says:

    Retweeted on Dsan_dk
    I SOO want this, so bad. Been an Opera fan and user since I first got a hold of the internet.
    Regards Dsan