Category: Internet Explorer

July, 2015 Desktop Market Share: Google Chrome, Safari, Opera – Up, Internet Explorer, Firefox – Down

By | August 20, 2015 | 1 Comment

With Microsoft releasing Windows 10, it will be interesting to see when will Microsoft Edge overtake Opera, Safari and other web browsers. However, before that happens, it’s time to do (probably) the last market share report where Edge still belongs to the “Other” category.

First (as always) is Internet Explorer, which is down from 54% to 53.47% (0.53 point decrease).
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July, 2015 Mobile Market Share: Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer – Up, Android Browser, Opera Mini – Down

By | August 19, 2015 | 1 Comment

As we are close to the end of the summer, it’s time to find out whether there have been any significant changes in the browser market share trends for the month of July.

Kicking things of with Safari, Apple’s browser is up again and is now close to the March, 2015 levels, from 41.66% to 42.44% (0.78 point increase).
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Web Browser Performance: Windows 10 vs. Windows 8.1 vs. Windows 7

By | August 12, 2015 | 1 Comment

 Web Browser Performance: Windows 10 vs. Windows 8.1 vs. Windows 7If you are still delaying the (likely inevitable) Windows 10 upgrade until it becomes slightly more stable, then here is something that might make you feel better: web browser performance benchmarks on the three most popular operating systems (at least in the US): Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7.

Guys at TechSpot did a review and to sum up the non browser parts, Windows 10 performed slightly better when it came to gaming, booted slower and overall offered no significant advantages (or disadvantages) compared to its predecessors.
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WhatsApp Web Will Work On Microsoft Edge

By | August 3, 2015 | 0 Comments

WhatsApp Web Will Work On Microsoft EdgeComing sometime in the future.

Earlier this year, WhatsApp has released a web version of its popular messaging client, which enabled Google Chrome users to chat on the web, with Firefox, Opera and Safari users joining the party slightly later. Unfortunately for Internet Explorer or Edge users, their browsers were never compatible.

Well, things are about to change as Microsoft Program Managers have confirmed that the companies are talking (and likely) working on a solution, which will finally enable Edge users (and there are not too many of them yet) to enjoy WhatsApp online web platform.
Continue Reading Updated, Now Supports Microsoft Edge Calling

By | July 27, 2015 | 0 Comments Updated, Now Supports Microsoft Edge CallingJust ahead of the Windows 10 launch, which is happening on July 29th, Microsoft has updated their Skype client on, which enables (for the first time) to take audio and video calls using Microsoft Edge web browser.

However, the good news does not end there. In addition to the audio and video call functionality, Edge users can now also mute Skype alerts and notifications on the web site. While these features are far from game changing, one has to wonder what exactly is Microsoft cooking or are close to finishing, considering that the original Windows 10 launch date was supposed to be October.

IE Mobile: Microsoft Fails To Fix A 6 Month Old Vulnerability

By | July 25, 2015 | 0 Comments

IE Mobile: Microsoft Fails To Fix A 6 Month Old VulnerabilityDetails are now published online.

Now here is something that does not exactly help the “buggy and old” IE public perception. Back in November and earlier this year in January, Microsoft was notified about the 4 security vulnerabilities that affect both Internet Explorer for desktop as well as smartphones and never bothered to fix them.

In fact, the software giant has now stated that they failed to do so because “there were no attacks reported”, hence they did not bother to do so, not to mention that Internet Explorer will also be replaced with Microsoft Edge later this year.
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Microsoft: Edge Is Blazing Fast

By | July 16, 2015 | 2 Comments

Microsoft: Edge Is Blazing FastWith the announcement of Windows 10 RTM, the software giant has also revealed more details about some of the OS specifics and their software.

One of such mentions was about Microsoft Edge, which has also been promoted to the stable build. If you were reading FavBrowser for quite some time, then you should remember that we also published early Edge benchmarks where it dominated everyone (including Google Chrome) on their own benchmarks.

In case you are wondering if these claims are still valid then good news, as Microsoft has now shared that Edge is still #1 on WebKit’s Sunspider, Google’s Octane and Apple’s JetStream benchmarks. By how much exactly?
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June, 2015 Mobile Market Share: Safari, Google Chrome – Up, Android Browser, Opera Mini, Internet Explorer – Down

By | July 15, 2015 | 0 Comments

Just like every month, it’s time to reveal the mobile market share data for June from the NetApplications.

After quite a few months of drops, Safari is ready to fight back and is up by 1.99 point, from 39.67% to 41.66%.
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June, 2015 Desktop Market Share: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera – Up, Internet Explorer – Down

By | July 7, 2015 | 2 Comments

It’s getting hot out there but the web browser news must go on, and today we look at the latest market share data from the NetApplications.
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23 X Times More Performance: Google, Microsoft, Mozilla & Others Join Forces

By | June 18, 2015 | 0 Comments

23 X Times More Performance: Google, Microsoft, Mozilla & Others Join ForcesWill co-develop a new binary format.

It’s nice to see tech giants that are usually competing with one another coming together to work on something that will benefit users all over the globe. The most recent example comes from a new announcement, which details the forthcoming partnership between Mozilla, Microsoft, WebKit engineers and others.

What is it all about? As you might know, when it comes to executing JavaScript files, browsers simply download them from a server, compile them using their own JavaScript engine and then execute. How exactly is this a problem? It is not but there is a ton of improvements that developers can make to speed everything up (such as Mozilla’s ASM.JS, Google’s NativeClient or Microsoft’s TypeScript). However, a newly joined “alliance” aims to make a new binary format called WebAssembly, which should merge all vendor’s efforts into a single compilation target.
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