WebKit2 is Coming, More Stable than Ever Before

By | April 12, 2010

WebKit2 is Coming, More Stable than Ever BeforeRecently, one of the Apple employers has announced a new WebKit framework, that they call WebKit2.

One of the main framework goals is to utilize a split process model, so the web content would be placed into a separate process. As a result, bad plugin, tab etc. won’t crash the whole web browser.

This behavior is very similar to Chrome’s; however, as split process module is directly integrated into WebKit2 framework, other clients will be able to use it as well.

As for today, initial versions are available for Windows and Mac platforms.


Thanks to Blake for the news tip.

About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded FavBrowser.com. Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Comments (14)

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  1. Tiago Sá says:

    Which means all webkit browsers will effectively become huge RAM hogs, just like Chrome.

    This is awesome news for Gecko! Yet another set to keeping Firefox on top of the RAM economy list, even more now that plugin sandboxing (or whatever it is) is implemented!

    • Tripfag says:

      Opera’s got the right idea about RAM I’d say.
      When there’s much RAM to spare Opera uses it, but as the RAM get scarce, it releases the harsh grip on any amount it doesn’t need.

      • Tiago Sá says:

        Yeah, that’s why Opera is the lightest browser on RAM limited computers. It’s very good.

    • nvm says:

      Apart from Firefox’s numerous memory leaks, Gecko is also getting this. You’ll have Firefox’s memory leaks in addition to eating more memory per tab!

  2. nvm says:

    Bye bye, Firefox :D

  3. nobody says:

    if anything, then it is opera that will suffer.

    webkit replaced opera in almost all embeded envionments, even in adobe creative suite webkit rules now, opera is in wii (wonder how much longer), few handsets and (as opera mini) is preloaded to some phones.

    webkit rooted out opera of oem market, and did that for a reason

    • nvm says:

      WebKit can’t replace Opera in almost all embedded environments since Opera wasn’t even close to being in almost all embedded environments in the first place.

      Wonder how you conclude that WebKit has pushed it out when Opera has announced lots of OEM deals lately.

      Oh wait, it’s nobbie. Facts don’t matter to Firefox fanboys :D

  4. Dels says:

    why it’s trend to multi-process now? it is due to multi-core processor that get trend on 2000s? or because we got a huge GB’s RAM for cheap buck’s today?

    why no one keep it safe with multi-thread… use garbage collector and release ram efficiently? using threaded jobs works faster than multi-process jobs isn’t?