Firefox 5 First Look

By | February 17, 2011

Even though the Final version of Firefox 4 has not yet been released, Mozilla team is already working on a new UI functionality for the upcoming Firefox 5 (targeted this year) browser.

One of the few new features is tab coloring by favicon (which for some users might be a headache (if can’t be disabled)).

Firefox 5 First Look

Firefox 5 First Look

A new way to update your add-ons.

Firefox 5 First Look

Firefox 5 First Look

Updated password manager to advertise Firefox sync.

Firefox 5 First Look

Updated search field.

Firefox 5 First Look

That’s it for now.

Via: ZDNet
Source: Mozilla

Thanks, geek!

About (Author Profile)

Vygantas is a former web designer whose projects are used by companies such as AMD, NVIDIA and departed Westood Studios. Being passionate about software, Vygantas began his journalism career back in 2007 when he founded Having said that, he is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys good books, fitness activities and Forex trading.

Comments (8)

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  1. Some pretty cool ideas. I was going to post this later. :P

  2. RamaSubbu SK says:

    I think, the tab coloring by favicon is inspired from IE9 – which does when you pin the site on task bar.

    Firefox taking those to next step, Good!!
    I like the browser war!!

  3. Ichann says:


    IE much?

    Mozilla you have given up.

    (Oh but Mozilla had this feature in testing for 200 years and finnally decided to release it)

  4. Greg says:

    Its not that really impressive I mean dont get me wrong it looks pretty cool but why do I need this when I can just speed dial them? I honestly think Firefox should be focusing on different things than this.

  5. skvikkel says:

    the tab colors will proly correspond the web’s natural color; twitter(light blue), cnn(red), etc.
    i think it’ll only be for popular sites or those sites thate are recognized

  6. jrronimo says:

    I think this is a fascinating new idea, but I disagree on the ordering: The parent application (Firefox) should *always* be first, on the left. Each application should follow. It seems a more logical ordering, to me.