To Our Old Subscribers
If you have been subscribed to RSS feed for a year or two and still using our old URL ( and got some spare time:
Please change feed URL to
This will help us to know what articles received most hits (so we can post more of them).
No ads, I promise :-)
Extensions Post Removed
I have just removed recent published and “supposed to be funny” post on Opera’s Vision.
It was my mistake and I am sorry.
Browsers Tracker, No Ads, More Writers and More
Here is another update for you: 2.30
First of all, good news for our regular visitors. No more ads after posts or in the top right corner. Advertising will be shown only for our new readers and should disappears within few days.
As per your request, I’ve just finished web browsers tracker script. It updates everything automatically every 30 minutes.
Related posts will be back within few days!
And finally, 4 new writers have joined the team: Alejandro Yee Cota (Tweet Directly From Opera’s Address Bar), Ameer Dawood (his post will be published tomorrow), Ethan Piekarski (How to Disable Firefox 3 Extensions Compatibility Check) and Russell Dowdy (Speed Up Firefox 3).
Also, I am considering to begin coding and designing new WordPress theme. Feel free to post your suggestions here. 2.21
Just a minor update to increase your browsing experience.
Archives were moved from sidebar to a separate page and now can be found in the top navigation.
Also, I am considering to re-enable related posts plugin. Let me know what you think about that.

Entering the Year 2009 with
Happy New Year!
I have some great news for you. Now you will see even more quality posts here. Why? Because there will be more than just a one poster. Want more tips, video tutorials, anything else? Well, here you go. You got it :-)
To Anthony D: please contact me via contact form again, as the email you had provided doesn’t exists (typo I guess).
Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Festivus, etc. and Happy New Year
It is that day of the year again. As this post title says: Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Festivus, etc. and Happy New Year :-)
And I’ll repeat what was said in the previous year post: It’s time to forget about web browsers and stop flaming. Well… At least for a day or two :-)
Happy holidays.
Something from FavBrowser: Browsers Dance
News Posters Wanted at
Hi there,
Followed by Tiago’s advice, I am looking to expand news writer’s team from 1 to …
If you have a passion for web browsers and are interested (or want to know more details), feel free to send me a message via contact form.
The requirements are: Continue Reading 2.2
Hi there,
I’ve finally finished this blog upgrade. The hardest part was probably skin migration from WordPress 2.2 to 2.6. Yes, we are now using WordPress 2.6.
What’s New?
Contact form Continue Reading – 500 Posts Reached
I’m happy to announce that has finally reached 500 posts. Took more than 1 year to do that but hey, we finally did it.
Within a week or so web page will be updated a bit.
And while it’s not too late, I’m asking you to suggest anything you’d like to see or not in Maybe you don’t like something about this page? Missing a feature? Got anything else to say? Go ahead, help us to help you!
Will be Back Shortly
Just to let you know, I’ll be staying in the hospital for x days from tomorrow, so yes, no news. Sorry.
Nothing serious though, something with my heart and stomach. Once “illness” or something is diagnosed, they should fix those body “bugs” and I’ll be back online :-)
Update: I’m back.