Happy New Year!
We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.
~Edith Lovejoy Pierce
Happy New Year!
Web Browsers Singing
We would like to wish you a very happy Christmas and awesome New Year :-)
Also, we will be moving site to a new server (thanks to (so it can take 24-48 hours for your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to catch new IPs).
In case you don’t see any new posts within a week, please try to clear your DNS Cache.
To Clear/flush DNS cache in Microsoft Windows. Continue Reading
Open Web Awards
Mashable’s Open Web Awards: Social Media Edition voting has started. Out of 50 categories, you can also vote for the following:
Best Mobile App
Best Blogger to Follow
Backup Web Browser Data with FavBackup 2.0
We are happy to announce the availability of FavBackup 2.0, software which backups web browser bookmarks, passwords, extensions and pretty much everything else.
The following release focuses on usability and optimizations.
Hello, FavBackup. Version 1.0.0 Released
If you were following our Twitter updates, then this shouldn’t be a big surprise for you.
In any case, I would like to introduce you a quick and easy way to backup and restore your browser settings: FavBackup
You can either backup separate setting such as: bookmarks, passwords, etc. or do a complete backup. This is just an initial release, lots of things are planned, and auto update is one of them.
Opera 10 support should be added soon, waiting for reply from Opera Software to confirm all the paths.
[digg-reddit-me] Twitter
Well, after a couple requests, I have decided to join Twitter as well. It’s a great and quick way to communicate.
I have decided not to post all the news there, so your account won’t be spammed with messages from me :-)
In any case, it’s
2 Years of Web Browsers
I can’t believe it started 2 years ago, the 13th of June, 2007. Who could ever thought that random thoughts during insomnia could transform into something what is today…
I would like to thank you for reading this blog, writers, web browser makers, for your comments, ideas, criticism, suggested articles and support. With continuously growing user base, you have made it a reality.
And just to remember our old days, here is a list of all logos + concepts; from the day it began… Until now. Continue Reading
Quantity or Quality?
As for today, we usually don’t publish articles which have a small inpact in web browsers market. Latest example would be: Opera reaches 20% market share in Antarctica.
However, as this web site is all about the news and information, I am considering to increase a number of articles per day (quantity over quality). If you have few minutes of your spare time, please vote and let me know what you think.

Browser Version Tracker Updated
Stable Releases
Google Chrome
Preview Releases
Safari 4 Beta
Flock version number is now also fixed. – 2.25
Just a tiny update there. Blog software was updated. As a result, you can now reply directly to comment poster + some visual changes in same area.