Archive for August, 2007

Opera 9.23, Build 8808 Released

By | August 9, 2007 | 0 Comments

It’s Thursday (not a Friday) today, but we got a new Opera 9.23 series release: Opera 9.23, Build 8808. This is not a final version, use it on your own risk.

Here’s a changelog:

  • More Speed Dial stability fixes
  • Fixed issue with some mouse wheels and scrolling up on Vista
  • Fixed another fuzzer crash

Windows MSI
Windows Classic

I guess we won’t get any new release tomorrow, or will we?

Opera 9.5. Is Tomorrow That Day?

By | August 9, 2007 | 6 Comments

Everyone is waiting for the very first Opera 9.5 public release. Tomorrow we should have another weekly or just some more news, so maybe Opera team will release it tomorrow? Since we are waiting for so long I think that it won’t be released tomorrow. Why not? My guess is that to get more time on Opera 9.5 polishing they will release Opera 9.23 Final as Opera 9.23 weekly (not a final version) was released last week already.

Oh well… I can be wrong, let’s wait and see.

Firefox 3 Alpha 8 Pre

By | August 9, 2007 | 1 Comment

Yesterday Firefox team released yet another nightly version of Firefox 3 web browser.

Besides various bugs fixes, you can find some great improvements as well. Now you can resize your Firefox search and location bars which allow users to customize their Firefox 3 Alpha 8 Pre bars in any way they want. However, that’s not the only one great improvement. Firefox team made one more makeover. It’s a Vista menus look.

Firefox 3 Alpha 8 Pre Screenshot
Thanks to Omega X for the screenshot.

If those improvements gives users what they want, then I would like to praise Firefox team for adding this in their latest Firefox 3 Alpha 8 Pre, August 8 release.

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No More Than 10 Days To Release Critical Patch

By | August 8, 2007 | 2 Comments

“Ten Fuc*ing Days”. That’s what Mozilla said.

That’s right, they’ve said that they can release any critical patch within 10 days or faster. Firefox was released even faster than 10 days (after security flaws were discovered). So they are not just using some tricks (or do they?), it’s already proven, we will see how fast they will release next one.

In my point of view, before using such statements they should also fix other security vulnerabilities. Even if they are not the most critical ones.

10 Days
Picture Source.

Unpatched 43% (6 of 14 Secunia advisories)
Most Critical Unpatched
Secunia Security Stats.

Details About IronMonkey And ScreamingMonkey

By | August 8, 2007 | 0 Comments

Hello everyone,
Sorry for not writing anything interested in a past few days, I was in some kind of not planned vacation. Anyways, time for the news.

Mozilla team updated us by providing more details about IronMonkey and ScreamingMonkey. Here are some quotes from their post.

The critical, core, component of this is the Tamarin virtual machine (which is an Open Sourced version of the ActionScript Virtual Machine that powered the Adobe Flash Player). Tamarin already supports ECMAScript 3 (and, thusly, JavaScript, ActionScript, and JScript) and parts of the upcoming ECMAScript 4 specification.

JavaScript will no longer be the only viable scripting language in browsers that use that Tamarin engine. At the very least, there’ll be two more languages to work with.

ScreamingMonkey is the effort, being led by Mark Hammond, to allow the Tamarin engine to run within non-Mozilla browsers, starting with Internet Explorer.

ScreamingMonkey Planning Notes.

That’s a brief, here’s a full story to read (if you want to).

In Case You Mised

By | August 4, 2007 | 0 Comments

I’ve just added my contact details (right after “Categories”) which includes:

E-Mail, MSN, ICQ and Yahoo Messengers ID’s.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Firefox 3 Alpha 7 Released

By | August 4, 2007 | 0 Comments

Yet again, we have a new Firefox 3 version: Firefox 3 Alpha 7.

What’s new in it? There are some great stuff like zoom and that’s not all. Here’s a complete list of changes and fixes:

  • Support for Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) has been removed. Gecko 1.9 will no longer build or run on Mac OS X 10.3
  • Default visited pages history size 9 to 180 days
  • Full page zoom of images, layout and text
  • Many fixes for context menus, clipboard, and drag services on Mac OS X
  • Reworking of XUL menus and popups
  • document.all now returns a NodeList of elements
  • Several new clipboard events
  • A class of wrappers to mediate access between web pages from different origins
  • Cross site XMLHttpRequest specification implemented
  • A method for opening modal dialogs from content
  • Color profile support
  • Text in canvas

Here’s what I got after trying to run Firefox 3 Alpha 7:

Firefox 3 Alpha 7 Screenshot

Oh well… I will wait for Firefox 3 Milestone 8 then, it will be released in the middle of September.

Release Notes
Download Firefox 3 Alpha 7:
Mac OS X

Opera 9.23 Build 8805 Released

By | August 3, 2007 | 2 Comments

Today Opera pleased us with a new weekly verion of Opera 9.2x, althought everyone expected to see Opera 9.5, but updates are good anyway. There wasn’t something like a “changelog” in their post… But this new build contains security and stability fixes.

Windows MSI
Windows Classic

It’s not a final release, only a weekly, use it on your own risk.

Safari 3.0.3 Beta Released

By | August 2, 2007 | 0 Comments

Not so long time ago they have released Safari 3.0.3 Beta. Actually I think it was on July 31st when I wrote “Where’s Safari 3.0.3 Beta?“. It’s recommended to get this update (if you are using any previous Safari 3 Beta version). Sorry for a delay, but somehow I haven’t noticed this release.

Changelog doesn’t say much, but enough to understand what was done.

Safari 3.0.3 Windows changes:
Latest security updates,
Improved stability.

Safari 3.0.3 Mac OS X changes:
Latest security updates.

Download Safari 3.0.3 Beta.

Internet Explorer (IE) – Most Influential Tech Product

By | August 1, 2007 | 4 Comments

Internet Explorer (IE) was voted as the most infuential tech product.

The most influential technology product of the past 25 years is Microsoft’s oft-derided Web browser, Internet Explorer, according to a survey of IT professionals.

Full Story.